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Farmer commits suicide at Singhu Border

рд╣рдоें реЩрдмрд░ें Email: psrajput75@gmail. WhatsApp: 9810788060 рдкрд░ рднेрдЬें (Pushpendra Singh Rajput)

Sonipat, (Rishika Rajput) - Amidst the ongoing agitation against the agriculture law passed by the central government, serious incidents like suicide by farmers are coming to the fore, Today A farmer committed suicide by hanging himself on the Singhu border of Sonipat, the deceased farmer Gurpreet Singh belongs from village Roorkee, Amroha Tehsil, district Fatehgarh Sahib.

It is being told that he also related to union of farmer head Jagjit Singh Dhalewal and BKU Sidhpur. The police took possession of the body and sent it to the government hospital for post-mortem.

рдлेрд╕рдмुрдХ, WhatsApp, рдЯ्рд╡िрдЯрд░ рдкрд░ рд╢ेрдпрд░ рдХрд░ें

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