Faridabad Assembly

Palwal Assembly

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I will marry immediately without asking my family if he proposes, says Sonam Gupta

рд╣рдоें реЩрдмрд░ें Email: psrajput75@gmail. WhatsApp: 9810788060 рдкрд░ рднेрдЬें (Pushpendra Singh Rajput)
24 Novemeber, 2016, New Delhi. These days 'Sonam Gupta Bewafa Hai' is making the headlines and is trending on internet for last many days. In a recent video on YouTube, she has come foward and }disclosed that she now wishes to marry music composer Raj Mahajan. In this video, she has revealed many secrets about her personal life. She denies all the allegations on being unfaithful (Bewafa). Most surprising disclosure by her is about her wish to marry with Raj Mahajan. She tells, "If he proposes, I will immediately agree to marry him without even asking my family." During the interveiw, Sonam frankly answered the question with confidence and slapped her critics. Watch the video to find out what she has to say Video

Well, the headlines are hitting everywhere about her being Bewafa, But Raj Mahajan is singing another tune. He is singing, "Sonam Nahin Bewafa Hain". You should know that Raj Mahajan is the one who had composed and sung the song 'Sonam Gupta Bewafa Nahin Hai.' You can watch composer Raj Mahajan singing the tune
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